IVBAM launches Website dedicated to Madeira Rum in DN 15Jun

The Regional Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, Humberto Vasconcelos, will be present tomorrow at the ceremony of the official launch of a new website dedicated exclusively to Madeira Rum

As the secretariat explains in a statement, the new portal has a detailed set of information, not only about the story of the sugarcane introduction and rum production in Madeira, but also about the existing operators in the regional market and their brands.

“This measure is also aligned with the strategy defined by IVBAM, in order to reinforce, especially in digital platforms, the visibility and notoriety of regional products, in this particular case, Madeira Rum”, adds the same note.

The presentation will take place at 5pm, in the Winery of IVBAM, Rua 5 de Outubro.
