Madeira Rum is unique and has several categories with different profiles:
Natural Madeira Rum
Distinguished by its aromatic intensity and complexity, by its tropicality, freshness, minerality and persistence.
Aged Madeira rum
Subject to ageing in oak wood casks for a minimum of three years. Distinguished by its high potential for evolution, which results in a unique, singular style. A full-bodied profile and an acid freshness given by the terroir, revealed in a wide range of aromas and flavours. Stands out for its structure, aromatic complexity, elegance of flavour and persistence.

The categories expressed on the label enable consumers not only to choose the Madeira Rum most suitable for each occasion, but also to enjoy it better.
The following traditional mentions can be used in the labelling of Madeira Rum.
Traditional Mentions
Compatible with any category:
- “Aguardente de cana” (“Cane spirit”)
- “Aguardente de cana-de-açúcar” (“Sugar cane spirit”)
- “Aguardente de cana sacarina” (“Sacarine cane spirit”)
Exclusively for aged Madeira Rum:
- “Velho” (“Old”)
- “Rum velho” (“Old rum”)
- “Aguardente velha” (“Old spirit”)

Age indication
Age indications appear on the Madeira Rum label when the ageing is done in oak wood casks for the minimum period for the age concerned. When it comes to a blend of several ages, the age indicated must correspond to at least the minimum ageing period of the youngest rum contained in the bottle.
The permitted age indications are as follows:
- “3 years”
- “6 years” or “Reserve”
- “9 years”
- “12 years” or “Old Reserve”
- “15 years” or “Special Reserve”
- “18 years” or ”Superior Reserve”;
- “21 years” or “Grand Reserve”;
- “25 years” or other indication of greater age approved by IVBAM, associated or not with the mention of “Premium Grand Reserve”
Indication of the year of production
When the year of production appears on the label of a Madeira Rum, it means that the Rum was produced in that year and subsequently aged in oak wood casks for a minimum period of 3 years until bottling.