IVBAM launches a “giveaway” on instagram to promote Rum da Madeira

The Madeira Wine, Embroidery and Handicraft Institute (IVBAM) launched this Friday (26.11.2021) a promotional action on the Madeira Rum Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/rumdamadeira/.

This action has the participation of four Madeira Rum producers and will culminate in the random drawing of a bottle of each one of them, providing the possibility of four winners. To qualify for the awards, mandatory requirements are: be over 18, follow the @rumdamadeira page and identify 3 different friends in the comments. The winners will be announced on December 6th, on the same page.

With this action, in line with marketing trends, IVBAM reinforces its commitment to digital, seeking to generate more traffic and dynamics on the Rum da Madeira Instagram page and on those of the sector's economic agents.

The launch date of this action took into account the approaching of Christmas season, with the aim of suggesting Madeira Rum as an integral part of the festivities of this very special season.