Madeira Rum promoted at 3D Fun Art Museum

Madeira Rum has a new promotional banner, through an action led by the Madeira Wine, Embroidery and Handicraft Institute (IVBAM), in partnership with the 3D Fun Art museum, in Funchal.

From now on, visitors of this museum will be able to take an original photograph, with optical illusion effects, in a setting alluding to the sugar cane fields and Madeira Rum. The image is complemented with a QR code, whose link gives access to the official Madeira Rum website, thus allowing to deepen the knowledge about this exclusive Madeira product.

It should be noted that the 3D Fun Art Museum stands out for its difference and originality given its humorous and irreverent character, with a very close connection to social networks, providing visitors with the opportunity to share fun memories, through photographs that make the delights of users of social networks.

Given the versatile and irreverent character of “Rum da Madeira” brand, as well as the bet on digital, objectified by the IVBAM promotion strategy, this action aims to reach new audiences, of different nationalities and different age groups, reinforcing the dissemination of “Rum da Madeira”, a brand that, despite being relatively recent, is based on a product with a long history, transversal to the island of Madeira itself.

This action received community support from the European Union, in the order of 85%, through the operational program Madeira 14-20, with the remainder supported by the Regional Budget.

In JM | 31.01.2021